



"Raising the Roof" Capital Campaign

Immanuel's "Raising the Roof" capital campaign continues through July 2027.  Your participation allows our congregation to proceed with re-roofing the church building.  Thank you!  (For photos showing why the roof needs to be replaced, click here.)  Giving envelopes are available in the narthex or from the church office.  Please note that "Raising the Roof" funds are deposited into an account separate from regular offerings.  Therefore, please do not combine your "Raising the Roof" offerings and regular offerings in one check.


LWML Mite Box Mission of the Month

Washington/Alaska District (75% of Mite Box Collection) -- 
Concordia Theological Seminary -- Food for Seminary Students in Fort Wayne, Indiana -- $1,000 
Click here for more information.

National Mite Box Mission Grant (25% of Mite Box Collection) 
Mobile Kitchen -- Forged by Fire Services, Gulf Coast Region, US -- $85,000 
Click here for more information.
