
6-Week Food Challenge

Expanding Ministries' 6-Week Food Challenge will begin October 13!  Each week we will bring an item from a certain category to feed our neighbors in need.  Leave donations in/near the food collection box in the narthex.

Week 1 (Oct. 13) -- please bring a box of pasta 
Week 2 (Oct. 20) -- bring a can of fruit 
Week 3 (Oct. 27) -- a boxed meal 
Week 4 (Nov. 3) -- a can of veggies 
Week 5 (Nov. 10) -- a protein item 
Week 6 (Nov. 17) -- a box of cereal


No Midweek Bible Classes Oct 16-17 

The Northwest District All-Workers Conference is Tuesday, October 15 through Thursday, October 17.  Midweek Bible classes DO NOT meet during this time.



Soup & Salad proceeds will be sent to LCMS World Relief & Human Care for disaster response.  Click here for more information.


"Raising the Roof" Capital Campaign

Immanuel's "Raising the Roof" capital campaign continues through July 2027.  Your participation allows our congregation to proceed with re-roofing the church building.  Thank you!  (For photos showing why the roof needs to be replaced, click here.)  Giving envelopes are available in the narthex or from the church office.  Please note that "Raising the Roof" funds are deposited into an account separate from regular offerings.  Therefore, please do not combine your "Raising the Roof" offerings and regular offerings in one check.


LWML Mite Box Mission of the Month

Washington/Alaska District (75% of Mite Box Collection) -- 
Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck, Republic WA -- $6,000 
Click here for more information (number 3 on linked document).

National Mite Box Mission Grant (25% of Mite Box Collection) 
Serving God's Children with Special Needs - Journeys Lutheran School, Milwaukee WI -- $100,000 
Click here for more information.
